Alright, so this week we're going to continue talking about how to build characters, including how to balance your deck and adding your own flavor to it. But before I go any further, it was pointed out to me that I am employing a lot of Untold jargon in this blog. This blog is intended for people who have experience with Untold. However, if you aren't very familiar with it, or don't know anything about Untold, check out this link: The Primer explains how all of the cards work, how the game is played, etc. So, let's get started with this weeks character.
This week, we're going to be discussing the Klik. Now, my wife Jennifer loves her Tripods, with their powerful tools and weapons and stout defenses. I however prefer Rollers. Rollers aren't as physical strong and powerful as Tripods, but they are just as deadly. The Klik Roller I'll be building today is based on 50 UP. Why 50? Well, it's a good solid middle ground. Not so low that you have to make some hard decisions about what cards you'll include and not high enough to include whatever card you want. So 50 is the magic number.
I built this character this morning, in literally 10 minutes. This Roller is a modified version of my original Roller character, A55-A55-1N (Assassin). This machine is built for eliminating threats, and eliminating them quickly and quietly. To do this, I built this character around the Enigma Engine, which is a very fun card. Before going any further, let's take a look at the Character Deck:
Total UP- 30
Klik Roller - 3UP
Mind 2 - 5UP
Soul 2- 5UP
Enigma Engine- 2 UP
Klik Armor Plating- 2UP
Microgear Medic Disk- 2UP
Racer- 2UP
Soulless Touch- 8UP
Wheel Enhancement- 1UP
Some people might think 30UP is a lot, and it is for a 50UP character. But, every card has a purpose. The "Enigma Engine" is a great card. Not only does it allow you to use some great Hotswap cards, it also allows the player to re-roll a d20 roll and take the roll that benefits you the most. The "Klik Armor Plating" adds a little more VIT, in case of physical attacks. The "Microgear Medic disk" allows the player to make repairs. "Racer" adds some great movement, and if upgraded an extra Body DEF. "Soulless Touch" is always fun, making your opponents regret getting with touch range. And finally, "Wheel Enhancement" allows your character to have excellent balance and mobility, as well as allows you to use the "Wheel Hooks" hotswap card. When I built this character, I wanted it to be able to handle a little of everything. And once it gains some more UP, it will be really powerful.
The Swap Buffer is where the real fun begins. With 20UP, it has the following cards:
Displacement Field
Null Pulse
Spatial Distortion
Temporal Disjunction
vv312d Energy Ray
Wheel Hooks
So, the Swap Buffer isn't very big, but you can do some great stuff. Offensively, the Null Pulse and the Energy Ray can do very easily destroy a weaker minion. But thats not all the Enigma Engine can do. This little toy allows your character to bend and even break the fabric of time and reality. Displacement Field allows your character to bend reality around themselves and hide in plain sight. Spatial Distortion disrupts your opponents spatial perception, and the upgraded version actually allows you to distort space itself. Temporal Disjunction begins with slowing down an opponent, but as you get higher in level, allows you to control the flow of time itself.
So there you have a techno wizard, capable of bending reality and time to its will. However, there are countless other ways to build your Roller, even with an Enigma Engine. Now, if you haven't gathered, I like my more magical characters, but next week I'll be focusing on raw strength and power. If you liked this article and want to build a killer Klik for yourself, check out the Untold store ( where you can find everything Klik and more. Next week, we'll finish up with our discussion on Character Building. From there, we'll be talking a little about Untold Battle.
Until next time, thanks for reading and have fun!
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